
“Now this is how Bryan would celebrate!” read Jamie’s upbeat text sent just hours after leaving my office. It was quite the change from her emotional session. When Jamie scheduled her appointment, she was suffering from guilt over things she felt she shoulda/woulda/coulda done, but didn’t. She asked me to see if a recently departedContinue reading “Bryan”


This is an excerpt of my August 8, 2018 journal. I was trying to meditate, but the Guys wanted to chat. I’d forgotten about this conversation until my computer glitched and stopped on the entry. Uh huh. No coincidences. Reading it now, two-and-a-half years later, has left me shocked and in awe. I hope whomever needsContinue reading “Speak”


“I just hit A.V.’s (dog) trolley with the tractor roll bar and the carabiner sling shotted back and knocked me out. I have a buckle in my forehead,” read my husband’s text message. “And you’re texting me instead of calling?! Jesus Christ.” “Trying to stop the bleeding. I’ll be fine.” Famous last words. “You’re soContinue reading “Courage”


My jaw dropped this morning when the media released the story about how brutally and inhumanely a journalist’s life was ended.  My first thought went to his parents; those people nursed him and fed him and tucked him in at night and read him stories and taught him how to sing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” andContinue reading “Tolerance”


I have a client whose deceased husband has been coming to her sessions, almost without fail, for about two years.  Their love for each other has clearly transcended boundaries and it continues even while one of them is no longer in human form. Dick is a joy to communicate with. Sometimes he is quiet andContinue reading “Dick”


When I walk my daughter to daycare, we cross a busy 4-way residential intersection that is controlled by stop signs.  I’m amazed that some people can’t wait seven seconds (yes, you know me, I timed it!) for us to cross and yet others are so respectful they’ll stop a car’s length away. Some smile whileContinue reading “Hurry”


A new acquaintance recently asked me, “What personal quality of yours do you hope your child will adopt?”  Surprisingly, with all the great qualities I possess (cough), it didn’t take long to come up with the (as in the royal “the”, not the American “the”) answer.  As a side note, what was surprising was beingContinue reading “Eyes”


Many, MANY years ago in a what seems like a different lifetime, I lived in a home that was located within a budding new development (read: open lots/fields). I was trying to be domestic by planting flowers (ewwww…shutter!) and I was truly the ultimate Attila the Mom with my new plantings. That’s where God’s littleContinue reading “Vermin”