
She was the first person I saw as I rushed through my office building doors. She captivated my attention instantly. My first thought of her was, “gypsy” and I heard, “whimsical.” My second thought was that she was incredibly vulnerable. I wanted to go to her instantly and hug her but instead I stayed connectedContinue reading “Misty”


It occurred to me just the other day, after years and years and YEARS of bingeing on processed sugar (most specifically, anything chocolate), that I am an addict. I actually said those words out loud two weeks ago and I know it’s true.  I was out of control with my sugar consumption and when IContinue reading “Jonesing”


“Dad?” I asked, “Can you see the angel at the foot of your bed, standing by the wall?” He said he couldn’t but I could and what I saw made me nervous. My dad was succumbing to the cancer that was eating him alive. He was in a hospital bed and I was sitting withContinue reading “Exit”


Ok, so yesterday I wrote a blog entitled ‘Breathe’ and promised you some ways for slowing down your breath. Here’s one technique that I just love.  It’s super easy and yes, a caveman DID do it!! For those of you who have had Reiki sessions with me, you know I often start out by instructingContinue reading “Breathes”