
“Now this is how Bryan would celebrate!” read Jamie’s upbeat text sent just hours after leaving my office. It was quite the change from her emotional session. When Jamie scheduled her appointment, she was suffering from guilt over things she felt she shoulda/woulda/coulda done, but didn’t. She asked me to see if a recently departedContinue reading “Bryan”


“Tell me about the color red,” Laura, my holistic counselor asked on behalf of my guardian angels.  “What? Red? Man, I just don’t know,” I replied. “I know it’s the color of our root chakra and I know I don’t really like it all that much.”  Pausing, I let my mind search, and then laughed,Continue reading “Searchlight”


“I just hit A.V.’s (dog) trolley with the tractor roll bar and the carabiner sling shotted back and knocked me out. I have a buckle in my forehead,” read my husband’s text message. “And you’re texting me instead of calling?! Jesus Christ.” “Trying to stop the bleeding. I’ll be fine.” Famous last words. “You’re soContinue reading “Courage”


Before I left on sabbatical, a few clients had asked if I worked with couples. They felt my unique spiritual perspective could really benefit their marriages. I told them I hadn’t considered this, but I certainly would. Throughout my leave, I kept thinking about this and realized my intuitive gifts, combined with straight-forward talk, couldContinue reading “Believe”


I can’t pinpoint when my anxiety started but I can tell you when I realized something was not right. It was a day in early August when my husband and his employees moved their offices out of our house. Now you would think that I would be thrilled about that. I mean, we had dreamedContinue reading “Anxiety”


Since my energetic upgrade a few months ago, I’ve grown very restless with certain things in my life, one of those things being my personal Facebook page. I never have been one to obsessively check FB nor do I care what people are up to that I haven’t associated with in years. I wasn’t oneContinue reading “Delete”


For so many of us lately, myself included, it feels as if old emotional wounds are being ripped opened and re-exposed. These are wounds we thought we had dealt with and healed. We are, quite frankly, pissed off as all hell about this. I recently intuited some information about a client’s long dead father andContinue reading “Wounds”